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What exactly is this event about?

The major purpose of Hungary Innovation Week is to bring together innovation events, thereby strengthening the Hungarian ecosystem and increasing its visibility on a global scale. It provides a place for domestic and foreign parties to interact, share experiences, and form relationships.

How can I purchase a ticket?

You can buy tickets for Hungary Innovation Week events through this website, while you can find out whether you need to buy tickets for the events organised by our partners on the events page.

What if I wish to participate in multiple events?

Most events require registration, but there is no reason not to attend more than one – unless two events are scheduled for the same day.

Will the events be streamed online or recorded?

Some of the programmes will be run in a hybrid format, allowing them to be followed online (these will be disclosed in advance). These recordings will then be made available on the website in viewable format.

Are all of the events in Budapest, or will there be activities in the countryside?

The majority of the programs will take place in Budapest, but some of our partners in the countryside will also organize visits and workshops at their own locations, so they will not be in the city.